Inflammation is a common condition that people suffer from these days.

Did you know that arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis also cause pain and inflammation? Approximately 133 million Americans suffer from chronic diseases that are related to inflammation.

It is about 40% of the total United States population. Astonishing right? Don’t worry; some medicines can relieve pain and inflammation.

Celebrex is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to treat inflammation, swelling, and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in children who are 2 years old.

The FDA approved it on 31st December 1998. The generic name for Celebrex is Celecoxib (Liu, W., Chen, Y., Wang, W., Keng, P., Finkelstein, J., Hu, D., Liang, L., Guo, M., Fenton, B., Okunieff, P. and Ding, I., 2003).

Toradol is also a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to treat moderate to severe pain. The FDA approved it on 16th May 1997. The generic name for Toradol is Ketorolac.

Ketorolac tromethamine is the active ingredient used in Toradol.

For injections, ethanol, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, or hydrochloric acid water are inactive ingredients (Perlmutter, A., Miller, L., Trimble, L.A., Marion, D.N., Vaughan Jr, E.D. and Felsen, D., 1993).

We’ve simplified things for you to understand more about these 2 medications and if one is better than the other. You can also buy Celebrex online as well as get Toradol online but it is recommended to get doctor's advise first.

Age Restrictions


This medication is not usually prescribed for anyone under 18 years of age. However, it can be given to children after 2 years to treat juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. It depends on whether the doctor feels the need to or not.


Toradol is typically used by people at least 17 years of age or older. Doctors are unsure if it will be suitable for pediatric use as the drug is more potent than most NSAIDs.  

Availability And Cost


Celebrex is a medicine that is readily available at local and online pharmacies. It usually costs around $180 for ten tablets of 200 mg. The price may vary slightly depending on the pharmacy you choose. 


Toradol is also a readily available medication at local and online pharmacies. It typically costs around $18 for ten tablets of 10 mg. The price may vary slightly depending on the pharmacy of your choice. 

Otc or Prescription

Both Celebrex and Toradol are prescription-only medications. This means that you cannot purchase these medications on your own from pharmacies.

Can Celebrex and Toradol Reduce Inflammation?

Yes, both these medicines are used to reduce inflammation. Let us understand how these medicines work in our bodies individually.


Celebrex works by blocking COX-2 enzymes that are responsible for the synthesis of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are substances that are released during the tear and inflammation of body tissues that cause a sensation of pain. Thus, by blocking the enzymes that cause pain, Celebrex reduces pain significantly.  


Similar to Celebrex, Toradol also works by blocking COX-2 enzymes. However, it also blocks COX-1 enzymes. Blocking COX-2 enzymes that are responsible for the sensation of pain; reduces the pain that we feel due to the inflammation. It starts to work about 30 minutes after we use it and its effects last till about 6 hours.  

How to Take them?


The capsules are typically prescribed to be taken once or twice a day. When taking 200 mg at a time, it is fine to take it without food.

However, if you are going to increase the dosage, it is safer to take it with food to avoid the risk of acid reflux and other issues.

You must follow the instructions given in the information leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor.


It can be taken by adults who are 17 years of age or older. A 10 mg tablet can be taken 4 times a day in an interval of 4-6 hours between each dosage.

Some people may be prescribed taking 2 pills directly for the first dose and then single. It’s better to take medicine with a full glass of water and with food to reduce the risk of acid reflux.

Try not to lie down after 15-20 mins of intake as it also may cause an upset stomach. It is essential that you follow the instructions given in the information leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor.

Side Effects

Let's look at some of the side effects that can be caused after using Celebrex and Toradol. 


  • Heart discomfort-(It can cause difficulty in breathing, swelling, or rapid weight gain)
  • It can also cause stomach bleeding-(Bloody or tarry stools, coughing up blood, or vomit that looks like coffee grounds can be a sign)
  • Kidney problems-(A swelling of feet or ankles, little or no urination can be caused due to Celebrex)
  • It can cause liver problems such as nausea, stomach pain, dark urine, or jaundice in some people
  • Some people may suffer from anaemia (low red blood cells)-(Pale skin, unusual tired feeling, or cold hands and feet can be a few signs of it)


  • Stomach issues such as nausea, stomach pain, indigestion, and diarrhoea can be caused due to Toradol
  • It can also cause dizziness and drowsiness in some people. The effects may subside as your body gets used to the medication
  • Liver problems-(Tiredness, loss of appetite, itching, dark urine can be signs of liver problems)
  • Anaemia (low red blood cells)-(Pale skin, unusual tired feeling, or cold hands and feet can be a few signs of it)

There are other side effects that may be caused to you which are not mentioned in this article. In that case, it is best to consult a doctor and take one on one medical help to treat yourself.

Which One is More effective?

Toradol is typically used to treat moderate to severe pain levels after surgery. Celebrex is generally used to treat pain, fever, and swelling primarily caused by inflammation and arthritis.

Let’s look at a study conducted at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Tennessee Health Science Centre for further clarification.

It was an open-label randomized controlled trial on the use of Celebrex versus Toradol as postoperative pain management after robotic hysterectomy.

The patients were either given Toradol or Celebrex for a total of seven days. The pain scores of the patients were analyzed.

The study showed no difference in inpatient pain scores who received Toradol and Celebrex after having hysterectomy surgery. Thus, choosing which is more effective is not crystal clear (Ulm MA, ElNaggar AC, Tillmanns TD).

Forms and Strengths


Celebrex comes in capsule form. Capsules consist of 50 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg, and 400 mg. 


Toradol comes in 2 forms. One is a tablet form, and the other one is an injection. Tablet consists of 10mg, while the injection consists of 30mg.



The minimum age required to use Celebrex is at least 18.

The typical adult dosage for pain is an initial of 400 mg that can be followed by 200 mg on the first day if needed. From day 2, you can take 200 mg twice a day for pain relief. 


The minimum age required to use Toradol is at least 17 years of age or older, suffering from severe pain. 

Patients aged (17 to 64): 20 mg orally once, followed by 10 mg dose with 4 to 6-hour intervals. The total daily dosage of the medicine should not exceed 40 mg/ day. 

Patients aged (65 and above or weighing under 50 kg): 10 mg orally once, followed by 10 mg dose with 4-6 hour intervals. The total daily dosage should not exceed 40 mg/day.

Difference Between Celebrex and Toradol



Is used by people at least 18 years old.

The minimum age requirement is 17 years old. 

Along with pain, it also treats arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and menstrual pain.

It primarily treats only pain and inflammation.

Comes in only pills.

Comes in Pills and injections.

Similarities between Celebrex and Toradol

The following are some similarities between Celebrex and Toradol:

  • Both these medications are prescription-only.
  • Celebrex and Toradol belong to the same drug class called NSAID.
  • After using both drugs, some similar side effects are headache, nausea, vomiting, sweating, and ringing in the ears.
  • Celebrex and Toradol are both not addictive medicines.  


Celebrex and Toradol are both primarily used to treat pain and inflammation. They are available only with a doctor’s prescription at local and online pharmacies. These medications are safe to use. However, it is better to consult a doctor if you have some negative symptoms or side effects.


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