Medicines come in various sizes, shapes, forms, areas of expertise, and classes. The drug class is the first factor that defines the usability and other information. It can be called the main point of difference.

Methocarbamol and Tramadol have such differences. Methocarbamol is a skeletal muscle relaxant used in muscle pain especially and Tramadol is an pain reliever similar to an opioid which is available under an restricted distribution program. This Piece of content contains several distinguishing points to compare between them. 

What Is Methocarbamol?

Methocarbamol is a muscle relaxant that is used to treat muscle discomfort and damage in conjunction with rest and physical therapy (Sibrack J, Hammer R. Methocarbamol). Generic name: Robaxin

What Is Tramadol?

Tramadol is a synthetic opioid pain reliever that works similarly to opioids. It relieves pain by acting on the central nervous system. Brand Name: Ultram

How Does Methocarbamol Work?

Methocarbamol works by blocking the pain sensations that are sent to your brain. It has the sedating effect that applies on the central nervous system and stops the pain signals reaching to the brain.

How Does Tramadol Work?

It blocks pain signals to the rest of the body by acting on pain receptors in the central nervous system and the brain. It also works in your brain to block pain signals from reaching you. It has quite similarities but differences exist. Let's look forward (Scott, L.J., and Perry, C.M., 2000. Tramadol).

Forms And strengths of Methocarbamol

Methocarbamol can be taken orally, injected intramuscularly, or given intravenously by a healthcare practitioner. There are just a few strengths available, including Methocarbamol 500 mg and 750 mg tablets are available—one hundred milligrams per mL injection.

Forms And Strengths Of Tramadol

Tramadol comes in many forms, such as Tablets, Capsules; they also come in the form of chewable tablets. Strengths of 50 milligrams (mg). 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg, and 300 mg extended-release pills and capsules are available.

Dosage Of Methocarbamol

Dosages of 6000 mg per day are usually used during the first 48 to 72 hours -In extreme instances, doses up to 8000 mg per day may be used

Dose for maintenance:

  • 1000 mg orally four times a day, 500 mg tablets
  • 750 mg Tablets: Take 750 mg every 4 hours OR 1500 mg three times a day.

Dosage Of Tramadol

Dose for Pain in Adults:

For individuals who do not require rapid onset of analgesic effect: 50 to 100 mg orally every 4 to 6 hours as needed for pain in adults (17 years or older). The initial dose is usually 25 mg orally once a day; titrate every three days in 25 mg increments to a dose of 25 mg four times a day; subsequently, increase by 50 mg as tolerated every three days.

The maximum daily dose is 400 mg.

Side Effects Of Tramadol

Common Side Effects:

  • Dizziness
  • Itching
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Constipation

Severe Side Effects:

  • respiration that ceases during sleep, sighing, weak breathing, and noisy breathing
  • a weak pulse or a sluggish heartbeat
  • a sense of being light-headed, as though you’ll pass out;
  • convulsions (seizures);
  • all symptoms of low cortisol levels

Side Effects Of Methocarbamol

Common side effects:

  • headaches, vertigo, and sleepiness;
  • fever;
  • Confusion and memory issues;
  • nausea, vomiting, and stomach pains;
  • double vision
  • flushing (a sensation of warmth, redness, or tingling);
  • Insomnia (sleep deprivation); or
  • a lack of cooperation

Severe Side Effects:

  • Pain
  • Jaundice
  • Extreme Lightheadedness

Who should not take Methocarbamol?

  • If you are allergic to methocarbamol, you should avoid using it.
  • Consult your doctor if you’ve had seizures.
  • Not recommended during pregnancy
Breastfeeding women as it can pass through the milk to the child too.

Who should not take Tramadol?

  • If you have severe asthma or breathing (respiratory depression) or lung issues
  • A bowel blockage or narrowing.
  • A tramadol allergy. 
  • If you’ve taken a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI), a type of depression medication, in the last 14 days.
  • Usually not advised to consume this medication if you are pregnant.
  • Breastfeeding is not recommended after the intake of this medication.


Pain is treated with methocarbamol and Tramadol. Methocarbamol is a medication that is used to treat skeletal, muscular discomfort and damage.

Methocarbamol are two separate types of drugs. Methocarbamol is a muscle relaxant, while Tramadol is an opioid-like pain reliever. Consult your doctor before taking any of these medicines in order to prevent negative effects.


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