Medicines support your body and make your life fulfilling. Medicines prove to be good so long as it is taken as per prescription. Moreover, if you have to consume more than one medicine, then you need to be even more careful.

You need to be well informed of all the medicines you plan to consume. Half knowledge of medicines can be fatal. In this blog, we will be discussing if you can take Cyclobenzaprine and Methocarbamol.

Both these medicines are used for musculoskeletal pain. Both, Cyclobenzaprine and Methocarbamol are used to treat muscular and musculoskeletal pain. Let's find out about each medicine in detail.

What is Cyclobenzaprine?

Cyclobenzaprine is the name of a genetic muscle relaxer drug. It is used to treat muscle pain, injury, spasm, back pain, and stiffness. Cyclobenzaprine blocks the brain's pain receptors.

It prevents the nervous system from sending pain signals to the muscles. It was developed in the 70s and approved by FDA in 1977. It comes under the skeletal muscle relaxant drug class.

It is usually a prescribed drug. You should take it under a doctor's guidance. Flexeril, Fexmid, Amrix, etc., are some common brands of Cyclobenzaprine (Moreira, A., Barbin, C., Martinez, H., Aly, A. and Fonseca, R., 2014).

What is Methocarbamol?

Methocarbamol is also a muscle-relaxing drug. It is used to treat acute pain, discomfort by strains, and physical injuries, headaches, backpain, etc.

It slows down the CNS (Central Nervous System) to treat the pain. It was innovated in the 50s and approved by FDA in 1957. It makes your muscles less stiff.

It is also a prescribed drug to be taken under the examination of licensed medical practitioners. Robaxin, Robaxacet, Robaxacet-8, and Robaxisal are some common brand names (Ferslew, K.E., Hagardorn, A.N. and McCormick, W.F., 1990).

What is Musculoskeletal?

Musculoskeletal refers to the structure of muscles and the skeleton of the human body. Physical injuries, ligament problems, bone-related disease, etc., affect the human movement and causes pain.

Musculoskeletal pain can be acute as well as chronic. Acute pain, in simple words, is short-term pain, e.g., surgery pain, injury, etc. Chronic pain is long-term pain and is associated with continuing for more periods. Muscle relaxers help treat musculoskeletal pain (Woolf, A.D. and Pfleger, B., 2003).

What Happens When You Take Both Cyclobenzaprine and Methocarbamol?

As per a study conducted by the FDA on 57 patients, women were seen to suffer from shows arthralgia in females and depression was seen in men. Other effects included nausea, dry mouth, hypertension, headache, dizziness, etc.

Cyclobenzaprine and Methocabamol are often prescribed together. Overall combining the two has proven to be effective. Nevertheless, they should be prescribed only after a physician's consultation.

Both Cyclobenzaprine and Methocarbamol are antipasticity agents that work directly on the spinal cord and skeletal muscles. Although they do not interact with each other, taking both together can increase dizziness, fatigue, dry mouth, severe headache, and uneven heartbeat.

Pregnant ladies and senior citizens should avoid taking it together. Moreover, it is important to not do any activity that needs mental alertness, such as working with heavy machinery, driving, etc., after consuming these two together.

"The best doctors give the least medicine," said Benjamin Franklin. In a nutshell, let your doctor decide if you need to take both together (Chou, R., Peterson, K. and Helfand, M., 2004).

How To Consume Cyclobenzaprine and Methocarbamol?

You can take Cyclobenzaprine as per the following doses:

Age 18-64: 5mg-10 mg, 3 time per day

Age 15-17: 5-10mg, 3 times per day

Age 0-14: should not consume Cyclobenzaprine

Age 65+: as per medical history

You can take Methocarbamol as per the following doses:

Age 18-64: 6mg-15 mg, 4 times a day

Age 16-17: 6mg-15 mg, 4 times a day

Age 0-15: should not consume Methocarbamol

Age 65+: as per medical history

Cyclobenzaprine Side Effects

Common side effects

  • Dry mouth
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Heartburn
  • Fatigue

You should see a doctor if you experience

  • Drowsiness
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Confusion
  • Hallucination

Methocarbamol Side Effects

Common side effects

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Sedation

You should see a doctor if you experience

  • Allergies
  • Hives and swelling
  • Chest tightness
  • Low Blood pressure
  • Memory loss
  • Vertigo 


Don't consume muscle relaxers with alcohol. It can interact and cause loss of balance while walking or other physical activities. Notify the doctor if you have any medical history of liver, heart, and other long-term medications.

Why Are Muscle Relaxers A Treatment And Not A Cure?

Muscle relaxers help you resolve pain for a short period. They are right for the short term. However, they do not help in the long term.

To resolve the real problem, you need to go to the root of the problem. A proper diet, eradication of addictions, and exercises can help you cure your musculoskeletal conditions.


Cyclobenzaprine and Methocarbamol are muscle relaxers that work directly on the muscles and the spinal cord. Cyclobenzaprine is mainly used to treat muscle pains, physical therapy, injury, and acute pain.

Methocarbamol is used to treat acute pain, strains, injuries, discomfort, ligaments pains, etc. Cyclobenzaprine directs work on skeletal muscle, and Methocarbamol works on CNS (Central Nervous system) to stop pain receptors.

If required, you may be prescribed both the drugs together. Overall these two drugs do not interact with each other.

  • Comparative efficacy and safety of skeletal muscle relaxants for spasticity and musculoskeletal conditions: a systematic review. (2004, July 22). Comparative Efficacy and Safety of Skeletal Muscle Relaxants for Spasticity and Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Systematic Review - ScienceDirect.
  • Woolf, A. D., & Pfleger, B. (n.d.). SciELO - Saúde Pública - Burden of major musculoskeletal conditions Burden of major musculoskeletal conditions. SciELO - Saúde Pública - Burden of Major Musculoskeletal Conditions Burden of Major Musculoskeletal Conditions.
  • Ferslew, K., Hagardorn, A., & McCormick, W. (n.d.). A Fatal Interaction of Methocarbamol and Ethanol in an Accidental Poisoning. A Fatal Interaction of Methocarbamol and Ethanol in an Accidental Poisoning.


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