Naproxen is a (NSAID) used for pain, menstrual cramps, and inflammation. It works by receding hormones that cause such diseases. Arthritis, gout, tendinitis, and high fever are some other diseases that can be cured with a low dose (220mg) of naproxen. Correspondingly, the tablet shows its effects within one hour after its consumption, and the effect lasts up to twelve hours.
Aspirin is also a NSAID. The other name used for aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid (ASA). This drug is prescribed for reducing fever, extreme pain, and inflammatory disorders. Moreover, some inflammatory diseases, toothache and also including Kawasaki disorder, pericarditis, and rheumatic fever, get treated with aspirin. The effects of dosage typically start within 30 minutes.
As these both medicines belong to the same drug class the question arises, can aspirin and naproxen combination lead to healthy results? If so, then go through the article to get the answer to your question
Can You Take Aspirin And Naproxen Together?
Aspirin and naproxen are both inflammatory drugs, and because of this, several doctors recommend that taking aspirin together with naproxen is not a good option in normal cases. But patients who take this combination must consume a low dose of aspirin (81mg) together with naproxen.
High-dose aspirin (325mg) with naproxen is known to cause adverse effects on the patient’s body. So, taking this combination in usual situations like fever or pain is not advised unless you are diagnosed with other severe diseases and your healthcare provider prescribes this medication. P.S : If you are allergic to aspirin, you will surely be allergic to naproxen. So, do not take any of them.
Is There Any Proof That Aleve (Naproxen) and Aspirin Combination Is Useful?
One of the most important analyses had been performed on 36 patients with rheumatoid arthritis to determine whether the combination of Aleve and aspirin helps in curing rheumatoid arthritis or consuming the combination shows negative results in the patient’s body. The trial was performed for over eight weeks in which naproxen and placebo were provided on a background of low-dose (81mg) aspirin.
Aleve and Aspirin are known for curing arthritis. Still, the final result of the analysis revealed that rheumatoid arthritis could only be treated with the combination of both medicines rather than taking aspirin and Aleve alone. Aleve and aspirin together are useful for patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Similarly, patients other than rheumatoid arthritis, such as those suffering from diseases like fever, pain, menstrual cramps, and inflammation, are also not advised to take aspirin and Aleve together. Doctors may recommend aspirin or Aleve with a combination of other tablets, such as ibuprofen.
Interaction of Naproxen With Low-Dose Aspirin in Healthy Subjects
There are some cases in which having naproxen and aspirin together are approved by doctors. Patients with arthritis disorders are prescribed to take aspirin (low-dose, i.e., 81mg) and naproxen together. But considering this fact, the interaction of naproxen with low-dose aspirin results in reducing the effectiveness of aspirin.
Aspirin has the ability to repress platelet COX-1 activity and functions, so when you take it with naproxen, it may intrude with aspirin’s ability to maintain its potential. In this situation, those patients who started to have cardiovascular disorders after taking naproxen are advised to stop consuming it with aspirin. Both naproxen and ibuprofen have adverse effects on aspirin-positive shielding effects. Taking out aspirin from the medication for over six days may result in 99% hindrance of COX-1 activity. Most studies state that taking 100mg aspirin and 500mg naproxen may lead to urgent hindrances.
How Should You Combine Aspirin And Naproxen?
If you are in a situation such as rheumatoid arthritis where doctors prescribe you to take aspirin and naproxen together, you must consider several things while taking the dose.
- Do not take them on an empty stomach. Take aspirin with the food.
- After at least two hours of taking the dose of aspirin, take naproxen.
This is the best way to consume them together to prevent any complications. However, in the first place, you should listen to your healthcare provider’s instructions very carefully and do exactly what they recommend to you in treating rheumatoid arthritis.
What Interaction Affects You Can Face?
Consuming a combination of both drugs can cause severe effects you can face. First of all, if you are not taking the dosage with the food, your stomach lining might get affected badly. Other than that, these two are anti-inflammatory agents can increase the risk of gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeding, and kidney problems if you take them together regularly without any checks and balances. You may also face high blood pressure issues after consuming a high dose of these tablets.
Do not take aspirin and naproxen together if you have a normal fever or body ache. But if your symptoms are severe, go for a check-up and let your doctor decide whether you need to take this combination. But you must not ignore that all NSAIDs should be taken in low dosages and shouldn’t be consumed over a long period. Otherwise, you will start having other health issues.